Wednesday, 29 December 2010

Wednesday, 1 December 2010

Saturday, 27 November 2010

Thursday, 4 November 2010


When travelling at speed along a pitch black country road, approaching an opponent of considerably higher grade than yourself, the correct attitude to adopt is neither one of aggression nor light-heartedness. The correct attitude to adopt is one of perfect humility.

Great Ayton A vs. Thornaby Griffin
Wednesday 3rd November 2010
Board 4:

S.Keswani(144) 0-1 J.Heeley(73)

Thursday, 28 October 2010

Second Sight Into Deep Time

When the penitent is ready the confessor appears.

Thursday, 21 October 2010

Czech Lose-a-point Charlie

With time on my hands this week I thought I'd annotate a game I just had as part of my post-match analysis. You can read it by clicking the text below. There is an interactive diagram below the annotations.

J.Heeley - P.Perrett
Thornaby 2010
Czech Benoni

Wednesday, 20 October 2010

Saturday, 9 October 2010

Stellar Foxes

Things that happened this week:

The new chess season began. As my club, the Thornaby Griffin, has lost five members over the summer, we now have just the one team in the league, which is currently in the first division. This means that any league matches I play in will be against opponents of a considerably higher grade.

Our first match was on Monday against the Middlesbrough Rooks at their club. As we had to default Board Five for this match, I played the black pieces against the President of the Cleveland Chess Association, Ernie Lazenby, whose grade is two points off being twice mine.

The game was a forty-move draw. Unfortunately we lost the match 3-2, but I can't complain about my game. In his match report the Rooks' Captain, Steve Cole, said:

'Board 4 Lazenby v Heeley

The gradings of these players suggested an easy win for white, but watching the game John played way above his grading, Ernie probably missed a win in the end, but proceeding came to a halt when the clock decided to pack up, and a well deserved draw for John was agreed.'

On Tuesday I had the day off work so that Catherine and I could take George to his appointment with the Opthalmologist at James Cook Hospital. George has had a reduced lens prescription for the last six months so that he can get used to wearing his glasses; he'll now get a full prescription, to get them to the strength that he needs.

Afterwards the three of us went up to the Coulby Farm for lunch and a play in the Wacky Warehouse. Then we walked over to my Mam's house to see her, Joan and Hayley and to get my birthday cards. It felt really good to be all together.

On Tuesday night I went to Leeds with Darren M to see KRS-One at Leeds University. Also there were old friends Nicky, Antony, Darren C, Matt, Al and his daughter Maria. It was a blast.

Got home at three a.m. and regretted not having the next morning - my actual birthday - off work, but it was made better by the fact I got many cards from colleagues. My co-workers are a really good bunch of people.

So, yeah, I'm thirty-eight now.

Today - Saturday - is the first day of a fortnight off work; the longest break I've had since I started my current job over a year ago. I'm going to have George with me during the week for some of it; take him to nursery and what-not. Stuff I don't get to do usually.

October is my favourite month.

Monday, 27 September 2010

Shimmering Mandalas

I've been deeply cleansing my home in preparation for the autumn.
I'm creating physical and mental space for new things to happen.

Tuesday, 7 September 2010

Friday, 27 August 2010

Autumn's Change

One day I awoke to find the sun beating down on me.
Thoughts and fears, they filled my mind.
The truth was beating down on me.

Monday, 23 August 2010

The Bloomsbury Group

Fellow graduates of University College London's Philosophy Department in the Fitzroy Tavern, Bloomsbury, Saturday 21st August 2010, ten years on from graduation. Gal, Fran, Dan, Steve and Steve.

Thursday, 12 August 2010

The Festival

Stockton International Riverside Festival that is. I'm sorry the only memento of the occasion is this picture of a man with a brush on his head.

The Farm

Thursday, 29 July 2010

Deep In My Stoic Heart

I endured and knew that you too would pass.

Tuesday, 27 July 2010

The Show

George and I went up to the Cleveland Show on Saturday and saw many strange beasts. They were not as exciting as a massive inflatable slide, however.

Thursday, 22 July 2010



Three years old today

Happy birthday Pud x